Matteo Renzi has demonstrated an outstanding scoring ability: he was able to secure reforms that had been expected for decades but that no one had ever been able or had wanted to make concrete, although enjoying a quite narrow political consensus within the Parliament. In less than three years he has reformed the political and institutional framework of the Country, rejuvenating the ruling class. He has reduced the tax wedge and the taxation on first houses, abolished Equitalia, reformed the labor market and the public administration, made the pension reform concrete by also increasing the lowest pensions up to 500 Euros. For the school system, he has hired thousands of new teachers; has allowed civil unions, IRPEF (Tax on the Income of the Physical Persons) reform in the frame of the Family Factor, the baby bonus and the one to the recently turned 18 years old.
But this is not enough. In the wake of the 40% of the votes received from the Italian electors on the constitutional referendum, 12 million votes obtained “ad personam”, Renzi would be able to create a personal political party, if only he wanted to. He is the most charismatic leader of the moment, there is a large chunk of Italy that feels represented by him and has appreciated his “Government of practically doing” and his European anti – austerity policies. Many Italians do not support the old politics, and do not want to entrust their Country to the holders of the “post – truth”.
D’Alema, Grillo, Salvini, Meloni, Brunetta and Berlusconi do actually have obtained 60% of the votes, but through such a diverse coalition that it becomes inconsistent. The “Front of the NO” that has politically attacked the Prime Minister consists of many different personalities that are united by several reasons but will never be able to work together to run a political consultation. A “majority” which is based on populism, shouting, incitement to violence and racism, particularly amplified by the fake realities of the social networks, where you can read sentences like: “Boldrini slut now go home and hope you get raped by two Negroes.”
Renzi has made a mistake in making the referendum vote a personal one, has lost the referendum, but has now realized who is with him and who is afraid of him. Now the Democratic Party is shocked. MPs and Ministers are wondering about the future. Because what we now have in front of us is frightening. On the horizon, the electoral law to be implemented, a budget law to be approved, the decree about the earthquake that has yet to get the green light from the House, the crisis of the Monte dei Paschi that might re-open, the threat of a new storm from the rising of the economic spread. Not only that: many of the reforms that have been started must be completed (for example the rules for the training and the recruitment of teachers). All this, with no political majorities, no leadership ready to take the place of Renzi. Did those who voted No ask themselseves these questions?
President Mattarella will now have to take the situation in his hands. Until now, he has “frozen” Renzi’s resignation until the launching of the economic measures which should be concluded in the Senate on Friday. The Democratic Party has an absolute majority of the deputies and the strongest hypothesis is that of a Government led by Gentiloni, Renzi’s dolphin, in order to pursue the path of the stability law and the measures for the Banks, and conclude an agreement to change the Italicum. At the moment, the Italian electoral system is chaotic and inconsistent: there are two completely different electoral laws, one for the House and one for the Senate. Since NO votes have won the referendum, the two Rooms remain the same, and thus the Constitutional Court has to decide how to proceed towards a new electoral law. This will presumably happen in February.
The polls on the 4th of December have nonetheless resulted in two positive outcomes. In Austria a pro-European candidate was elected. Marine Le Pen will not sit at the Elysee and Angela Merkel will still be Germany’s chancellor. Populist anti-Europeanism will not pass through. We all realize that the individual EU States will collapse under migratory, financial and military forces that have surrounded Europe, should they act on their own. We actually do are under siege, and those who invoke Brexit are only looking forward to pursuing the gratification of their own SELF, and not the best for their people. Indeed they trample it. The second finding, concerning Italy, is the turnout. The desire to attend and vote may be a fertile ground for developing a good democracy. We must now be able to properly communicate the political programs, not infusing the misinformation that until now has disoriented the masses.
We have wasted too much time, and it is now time to get out of mediocrity. A desired mediocrity, because it makes the game of the manipulators, those without a substance but with a bunch of slogans. We have to wake up through a new renaissance, to allow the Italians, who have always been sublime in the field of sciences and arts, to create for the good of mankind, and to do so in Italy, and not only abroad. We must ensure that young people who did not believe in this referendum may believe in Italy. And the political forces, the Democratic Party in the lead, are accountable.