Tag: Europe

Europee, chiamata alle urne per 46 milioni di italiani. Stavolta voti?

Europee alle porte. I 28 tasselli statali che compongono la corona stellata sono chiamati ad eleggere i propri rappresentanti in seno al Parlamento, prassi che si verifica ogni cinque anni dal 1979. L’election day si protrarrà dal 23 al 26 maggio a seconda del Paese e interesserà 400 milioni di elettori in tutt’Europa.In Italia l’appuntamento…

Who wants to destroy Europe ?

Worldwide, over 20,000 terawatters (a million of a million watts) of electricity are consumed annually, of which about 3,200 in Europe. The demand for energy is progressively increasing and those who have the chance to control this need also have the power over the peoples. On various scientific articles it was noted that, in order…

Elections in France: The Candidate of the Islamic State

Today, We Are All Europeans


Brexit could lead to Scoxit: Look at the value of Europe

The obscene coalition: Trump, Putin, Le Pen

Trump and Putin think they can dominate the world

Besieged Europe

Globalizzazione e nuove opportunità