Europee alle porte. I 28 tasselli statali che compongono la corona stellata sono chiamati ad eleggere i propri rappresentanti in seno al Parlamento, prassi che si verifica ogni cinque anni dal 1979. L’election day si protrarrà dal 23 al 26 maggio a seconda del Paese e interesserà 400 milioni di elettori in tutt’Europa.In Italia l’appuntamento…
Tag: Europe
Who wants to destroy Europe ?
•Worldwide, over 20,000 terawatters (a million of a million watts) of electricity are consumed annually, of which about 3,200 in Europe. The demand for energy is progressively increasing and those who have the chance to control this need also have the power over the peoples. On various scientific articles it was noted that, in order…
Elections in France: The Candidate of the Islamic State
•We are on the eve of the French presidential election double turn round-ups. Many have now realized that this is just another popular passage where there will be an attempt to destroy the European Union. But few do actually realize what we must defend ourselves from, and who really wants to achieve this goal. It…
Today, We Are All Europeans
•Brexit could lead to Scoxit: Look at the value of Europe
•In the aftermath of the latest attack in London, the Italian capital city is commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, which gave birth to the European Union. On this occasion it is perhaps timely to explain to Europeans the benefits and future of the EU. The 27 European leaders have signed a…
The obscene coalition: Trump, Putin, Le Pen
•In Syria and Iraq, the strategic set ups and the most influential players are changing, but the conditions that facilitated Isis emergence and proliferation are still the same. Suffice it to think about the aftermath of the wars wanted by the United States in the Middle East in the Bush era, or else having a…
Trump and Putin think they can dominate the world
•Trump and Putin, Putin and Trump. The weird couple is making the entire world talk. The issues: NATO and Europe, the Middle East, but also China and Asia. Their speeches sound like a spartition of the world ‘Risico’ – style. Donald Trump has just sworn as 45th President of the USA. The protests worldwide have…
Besieged Europe
•In the past months, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the “Caliph” of the Islamic State, has constantly urged to commit attacks in Europe, by any means, also explicitly mentioning the use of cars or trucks into the crowd. In the heart of Berlin, just as had happened in Nice on July 14, a truck has invested the…