Categoria: English SocialNews

The concept of the psychiatric science

by Massimiliano Fanni Canelles Franco Basaglia think that “a mentally ill person goes into the mental hospital like a “personal” for finally become a thing. The mentally ill person, before all, is a person and like such have to be consider and cured. (…) We should forget to be psychiatrist and remembering that we are…

Human Greediness and needs

by Massimiliano Fanni Canelles The world energy requirements estimated by I.A.E. (International Agency for Energy) will increase of 50 %within 2030, and even in the next few years fossils fuels (coke, oil and gas) will provide most of primary energy. However the foregone conclusion of progressive exhaustion of non renewable energies ,the constant world population…

The value of games

“Digital Kids”

by Massimiliano Fanni Canelles Do you know what TV, PC, PDA, smartphones, video, SMS, MMS are? Perhaps this will still arrive but when the language becomes difficult with GUI, DVB, IPTV, UMTS, EDGE, HSDPA-WI-FI or you are a technical field or …. just a teenager. The electronics and digital systems are changing the meaning of…