Written by Ivana Milic
The social institution set up the structure of modern society. Studies about the institutions, like the family, the religion, the science, the low, the economics and political system, are useful because there is a close connection and relations between the organisation of the society and the individual experience of their members.
Each family create their value models, which every day come in contact whit the environment. These models are expressed through the believes, the morality, the communicative competences, the opinions, the costumes, above all cognitional structure to improve education of ours child.
To improve the psychological development of the all family’s members, especially of the children is extremely important, essential understand the difference between “well and bad”, so during the life time, adult, anyone will be able to take the right decisions.
The carriers of this cognitive models are the parents, who are the first educators, which should transmit the to their children the values like honesty, trustiness, justice. Those values are indispensable to built the proper relations with the people.
Sometimes all these value are missed, or not visible, or not passed on to child, so we, I think we are losing the right measure when we have to treat with a relationship, in particular the one whit your partner. This figure is which nowadays we can find and see all over as.
Sociological studies tell, the family is the most important end the more antic institution. In the all past society we see that it remains the fundamental social union which plays the most important part in the social organization. The Italian dictionary “Devoto – Oli” tells about it like: “social unit represent from two or more individuals, close with marriage o relations”, I would also add adoption relations. This means that it is not necessary only a sentimental relationship but also a juridical one. Italian Constitution recognize the family as “society based on marriage”. From this introduction I could say that family is made from husband, wife, legitimate and illegitimate children, relations and relation in law.
Nowadays as we can see from the reality, there are a lot of chaining about family’s structure, specially with the marriage, because a lot of wives or husbands divorce and that try or build another relationship, so we are in front of something difference from what the law, for example, tell or simple from what the human being have been thought about the family. In the future, the results of the misunderstanding could develop news social diseases (maybe they already are present) for which we must find out the solution.
The first solution, I will suggest, is improve the communication among all the members, in particular it should be done work between the mothers and father, with same support courses where they talk about the correct way to carry on a marriage