Tag: Theresa May

UK elections, UKIP disappearance and Kremlin shadows

Elezioni in Regno Unito, la scomparsa dello UKIP e l’ombra del Cremlino

Stravolte le previsioni sulle elezioni nel Regno Unito dell’8 giugno. I conservatori guidati da Theresa May hanno ottenuto un lieve vantaggio rispetto ai laburisti, ma i Tories perdono la maggioranza assoluta dei seggi in parlamento e non avranno la possibilità di governare la Brexit. Si profila un Parlamento bloccato in cui solo eventuali alleanze potranno permettere una…

The armed struggle has become armed propaganda

United Kingdom: goose stepping into the abyss?

We deserve better Days before France’s presidential election, Emmanuel Macron smashed the hopes of National Front candidate Marine Le Pen with a devastating put-down: ‘I’m sorry, Madame Le Pen; France deserves better than you.’ Le Pen failed to reach the Élysée Palace. But that doesn’t mean we can relax. On Thursday 8 June, the people of…

You’re spoiling us, Mr Ambassador

On Sunday I reported a Tory to the police for hate speech On Sunday afternoon, I reported a Tory Councillor to the Police Service of Northern Ireland for anti-Irish pro-Brexit hate speech.  Ironically, his words came after the Irish Republic gave no points to the UK in Saturday night’s Eurovision contest. It’s been quite a…